Sunday, July 20, 2008

Correction to previous blog

Hey guys, quick note. Maranatha is the orphanage I talked about in my last blog, but I made a mistake when talking about the new orphanage that will be built. The new orphanage is called Musana (not Munasa) and will be starting in the very near future, as Maranatha will be closed down on August 1st. One of my friends in the ELI program who is leaving Iganaga today is going to try to start an NGO for Musana so that people can donate directly to the orphanage, but for now the best way to help out is to click the Donate Now picture on my blog (Thanks Jus!) and donate through ELI, and make any checks out to Musana Children's Home. We are putting together a budget for all expenses, both capital and annual, right now, as well as a Musana Constitution and mission statement so I will try to give people access to that if they are interested. Hope you're all doing well, and I'll send more pictures soon!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Hilary!! Congratulations! What an amazing adventure. I am so proud and a bit envious of your work there. I always wanted to work in Africa and haven't gotten it together to make it yet. Thanks for being such an amazing human.

Anonymous said...

Chris Li showed me this site to show me what blogging was about. Never really got into it, but just wanted to see what they were about. Your African experiences seem pretty interesting. How do you adjust living in a third world country when being accustomed to western society?