And finally, because I can't get enough of them, more pics of the children at Musana... Things have been going well, the children have been on holiday for about a month and are returning as we speak. They will be starting a new term at school, and are all progressing well and loving their new home. We recently put in a goat shelter and bought two pregnant goats, so soon we will be able to provide goat's milk and possible even cheese for the children. We are still working on getting sponsors for some of the 80 children, and donations are always appreciated for general support (i.e. food, medical supplies, teacher and staff salaries, clothing, etc.). Hope you enjoy the new pics, and I'll be sure to update you soon about my trip to South Africa and Mozambique in the beginning of February...
The next set of pictures is from a 3-week long trip I took to Kenya with my friends Heidi and Chris. As you can see from the first picture, the Kenyans were about as excited about the upcoming election as we were! We spent 4-5 days climbing Mt. Kenya, led by our guide Edyphus and our porter/chef Loyford. Then we traveled over to the coast for some serious relaxation on Diani Beach. We met some Massai warriors, went snorkeling with dolphins, and even rode camels! Really beautiful country, and we met all kinds of interesting people along the way.
Hello Everyone!I hope you all had a happy holiday season and new year.I have been home in the states for about 6 weeks and will be heading back to Ugandafor another 5 months on Tuesday, which means…yes, I’m FINALLY going to update my blog.I apologize for how belated this is, but I have time and high speed internet right now so hopefully I can get everything up to speed now.
To start, here are some very belated pictures from the safari I went on in late July.We saw all kinds of amazing animals and got to take a boat down the Nile and hike up to the top of Murchison Falls for our last night.Really incredible trip all in all!
Jambo from Uganda! My name is Hilary and from June 2008-June 2009 I will be living in Iganga, Uganda, teaching English at a local school and starting an orphanage called Musana Children's Home. I will be checking in periodically to update everyone on life in Uganda and hopefully to pass on lots of pictures. Feel free to comment on my posts or email me at Thanks and enjoy!